Making Pumpkin Ale 

2003 Pumpkin Ale

(read the recipe)

Pumpkin Ale Picture 4 small pumpkins (6 lbs) cut in half and seeds scooped out.  If you have a taste for roasted pumpkin seeds, you can boil them in brine for half an hour and toast them in the broiler. 
The pumpkin is cut into dice roughly three-quarters inch to one inch in size - the rind is trimmed off. Pumpkin Ale Picture
Pumpkin Ale Picture There is a lot of pumpkin to toast so I used two cookie sheets. After top sheet is browned, I switched their positions.  This allowed the pumpkin to cook a little better to develop the sweetness.
This is how the pumpkin looks after toasting. Pumpkin Ale Picture
Pumpkin Ale Picture The mash is made up by layering the malt and the chopped pumpkin.  The cooler is the mash/lauter element of my set-up.  Here I am sparging - you can see the wort collecting in the graniteware pot on the floor.
A close-up of the sparging operation.  The lower arm of the Phil's sparge arm rotates, distributing the hot water evenly through the mash. Pumpkin Ale Picture
Pumpkin Ale Picture Waiting for the wort to boil. I use two burners of the stove - I keep intending to get an outdoor cooker with a reasonable BTU output, but have not got a round tuit yet.
My cooling setup.  The counterflow chiller is another Listermann's product - Phil's phittings.  I take the output water to a sprinkler in the veggie garden so no water is going to waste here. Pumpkin Ale Picture